Introduction to RoboHelp
- Create a Blank Project
- Explore the Pods
- Explore the Toolbars
- Load the Default Environment
- Save an Environment
- Retitle and Rename the Project
- Edit a Topic
- Edit a Topic Headline
- Rename and Delete Topics
- Create a TOC Book
- Add, Delete and Rename TOC Books
- Organize a TOC
- Add Pages to TOC Books
- Generate a Project
Adding Content and Creating Project Structure
- Create a WebHelp Project
- Import an HTML File
- Import a Word Document
- Import a FrameMaker Document
- Rename Topic Titles
- Create Project Folders
- Auto-Create a TOC
Topic Formatting
- Apply a Style Sheet to a Topic
- Apply Styles to Selected Paragraphs
- Create a New Style Sheet
- Create a Font Set
- Use Inline StylesUse Spell CheckFind and Replace Text
- Link to a Word File
- Generate 508 and W3C Compliant WebHelp
FlashHelp, Links, PDFs and Popups
- Generate FlashHelp Output
- Create a New Toolbar
- Add Commands to a Toolbar
- Insert Hyperlinks
- Insert Bookmarks
- Import a PDF Document
- Insert Auto-Sizing Popups
- Insert Custom-Sized Popups
- Insert a Text-Only Popup
- Use Link View
- Resolve Broken Links
Graphics and Multimedia
- Add Graphics to a Help Project
- Add an Image Margin
- Rename an Image
- Add a Background Image
- Add Hotspots to a Graphic
- Add Sound to a Topic
- Import and Format Topics
- Insert an Adobe Captivate Demo
- Create a Screen Capture
Build Tags, Variables and Snippets
- Create Conditional Build Tags
- Define a Build Tag Expression
- Create a New Table of Contents
- Create a Variable
- Insert and Edit a Variable
- Create a Snippet
- Add a Snippet to a Topic
Tables and DHTML
- Insert a Table
- Insert a Table Row
- Create a Table Style
- Add a Horizontal Line
- Insert a Symbol
- Add a Bulleted List
- Format a Heading with a Fade in DHTML Effect
- Apply Fly in DHTML Effects
- Work With Positioned Text Boxes
- Create a Trigger
Indexes, Search Terms, Glossaries and Docs
- Run the Smart Index Wizard
- Remove and Add Index Entries
- Add Keywords via Topic Properties
- Add Subkeywords to the Index
- Create a See Also Keyword
- Insert a Link Control
- Add Custom Search Terms
- Add Glossary Terms
- Generate a Report
- Generate Printed Documentation
Forms and Frames
- Insert a Form
- Add Form Radio Buttons
- Add HTML Code to a Topic
- Add a Form Check Box
- Insert a Drop-Down Menu into a Form
- Add a Multi-line Text Field to a Form
- Add Form Submit and Reset Buttons
- Name a Form and Set an Action
- Import HTML Files
- Create a Frameset
- Modify Frameset Attributes
- Link Topics into Frameset Regions
Skins and Master Pages
- Attach a Skin to a Layout
- Create a Custom Skin
- Customize the Search Highlight Color
- Create a Master Page
- Edit a Master Page
- Add a Breadcrumb Placeholder to a Master Page
- Add a Mini TOC Placeholder to a Topic
- Publish a Project
Windows, Browsing and CSH
- Create a Custom Window
- Create a Browse Sequence
- Review a Web Application’s Source Code
- Publish a WebHelp Project
- Review Source Code
- Create a Custom WebHelp Window
- Create a Map File and Assign Map IDs
Scripts and AirHelp
- Run a Script
- Edit a Script
- Create an Adobe AIR Layout
- Output Browser Based AIR Help
- Output Adobe AIR Application Help
- Use the Help Viewer Wizard